Things in which I do not believe but wish I did (a list)

dawn pankonien
1 min readMay 18, 2017


* Jibaritos that aren’t from Humboldt Park, Chicago
* Tamales that aren’t from Doña Mari’s wooden table at Aile and Xochiapan
* Power in numbers, power in voting, power in not voting…
* Power in the absence of capital
* Plebeian democracy

* Black capitalism
* Las Farmácias Similares
* Big Pharma, little pharma
* The state of educating everywhere in the world
* The state of educators everywhere in the world

* Brown capitalism
* Postmodernity, metamodernity
* Salvage punk as a viable genre
* Christian Bök and the ethics of Xenotext
* Carl Jung and all he ever did

* White capitalism
* Inorganic eggs
* Leche deslactosada
* Wheat grass (full stop) celiacs
* ADD, AD/HD, A(nxiety) D, tonsils, and the varied combinations of E, I, S, N, T, F, J, and P

* Therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists
* All pseudoscientists not listed above
* 96% of journalists
* 98% of lawyers
* 99.9% of those who permanently contract lawyers

* wh’s
* ph’s, also ps’s
* ck’s
* double-c’s, &
* ampersands



dawn pankonien
dawn pankonien

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